Indian Traditional Storytelling Art


Puppetry is a combination of theater arts, visual arts, storytelling, and often times music. It is used as an important means of communicating with people and an art enjoyed by all ages.

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Indian Traditional Puppet Show

Duration per session: 1 1/2 hr
Min no. of students required: 30 / min Sessions: 2

Puppetry is a form of theatre or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets. Enjoy watching ancient folk tales and popular moral stories through the skillful mastery of professional puppeteers.

Indian Traditional Puppet Art Workshop

Duration per session: 30mins

Indian Puppetry is an ancient performance which involves story telling through the manipulation of the puppets.

This puppet art is one of the many tools used in improving ones communication skills, boosting self esteem and mostly bringing a smile and a sense of achievement to oneself.

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